
Corporate Tax Return Services


The tax implications of doing business abroad are numerous, just as the tax implications of doing business within Canadian borders are numerous. A variety of industries have been served by our team of experienced professionals, who are able to translate their expertise into effective solutions for corporate tax returns. We ensure that every client's situation is optimized to meet their goals by keeping up with the latest tax rules.

Tax penalties and interest can be mitigated by a thorough corporate tax and business planning strategy. By doing so, the assigned employee receives positive benefits as a result of the assignment plan. With Taxccount, corporations are able to prepare all necessary tax filings and obtain a solid foundation for their corporate tax return.

Corporate Tax Return Services

By maintaining accurate records, meeting all deadlines, and keeping your tax deductions and credits to a minimum, we ensure that your corporate income tax return is filed accurately. With corporate income tax filing, Taxccount can help your business retain more revenue.

  • Preparation of Financial Statements
  • T2 forms for corporate income taxes
  • Remittances and Payroll Planning
  • Preparation and filing of T4 Statements of Remuneration
  • Preparation and filing of Form T5 Statement of Investment Income
  • Owner-Manager Tax Planning
  • Conformity with all tax regulations at the federal and provincial levels
  • Information Return for Non-Arm's Length Transactions with Non-Residents T106
  • The T1134 Information Return for Controlled and Non-Controlled Foreign Affiliates

Who has to fill a Corporation Tax Return?

It is the responsibility of every Canadian company to file a corporate tax return with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). There is a very strict law, and all companies are required to comply, even if they do not pay taxes, are idle, have no income, or are non-profit organizations.

Hence, you need to be very careful when it comes to incorporated business taxes. Some types of companies have exceptions, so you should check with the tax authorities if you are interested. Corporations that are not Canadian residents are sometimes required to file a corporate tax return in Canada, depending on several factors. Non-resident companies which have carried on business in Canada, or which have realized taxable capital gains or disposed of Canadian property that is taxable.

Deadlines for Corporate Tax Return filling

It is mandatory to file your tax return within six months of the end of a tax year. It is the fiscal year of a corporation that determines its tax year.

The last day of the six months following the end of the corporation's tax year is the deadline for filing the return.

File the return by the same day of the sixth month after the end of the tax year when the last day of the tax year is not the last day of a month.

The CRA considers your return on time if it is received or postmarked on or before the next business day for filing due dates that fall on Saturdays, Sundays, or public holidays. Providing Corporation Tax Return Service in Canada

Taxccount has extensive experience in corporate taxes. Our experience with corporate tax returns allows us to prepare them accurately. Not only do we work with you during tax season, but we work together throughout the year to provide you with the full benefit of our expertise, which will help you grow your business. In case you fail to prepare and file your corporate income tax returns in Canada, you run the risk of missing deadlines, paying heavy fines, and having to pay interest fees as a result.

Our goal is to make business owners' lives easier in Canada. Therefore, we know the tools and information you can use to better understand what is involved in preparing a corporation tax return in Canada.

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Suite 250 997 Seymour St. Vancouver BC V6B 3M1 Canada

Suite 305 381 Front St w Toronto, Ontario M5V3R8, Canada

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